Who We Are

Kwang Li Industry Sdn Bhd

KWANG LI was founded in Pekan Nenas with provide services of assembly for bicycle components on 1992. On year 2000 KWANG LI obtained ISO 9001 Certificate and on year 2001 Outstanding Vendor’s.

Our Commitment is to provide quality product and services, which consistently meet the needs of our customer. We believe that the best way for us to do this, is through deep understanding of people’s needs and desires. We constantly strive for continuous improvements and recognize that the development of employees through

We are Committed to Provide First Class Service and Quality Products to meet our Customer Satisfication.

Our Group

  • Kwang Li Industry Group Sdn Bhd
  • Kwang Li Construction & Transportation Sdn Bhd
  • Kwang Li Pte Ltd
  • Progress Management Sdn Bhd
  • Progress Management Enterprise


Our Commitment is to provide quality product and service, which consistently meet the needs of our customer. We believe that the best way for us to do this, is through deep understanding of people's needs and desires.
We constantly strive for continuous improvements and recognize that the development of employees through training and education is the most important factor for achieving its objective of consistent Product Quality and On tine Delivery and ultimately Customer Satisfaction


We are Committed to Provide First Class service and Quality Products to meet our Customer Satisfaction.

Our Group

  • Kwang Li Industry Group Sdn Bhd
  • Kwang Li Construction & Transportation Sdn Bhd
  • Kwang Li Pte Ltd
  • Progress Management Sdn Bhd
  • Progress Management Enterprise

  • 1992

    Kwang Li Industry Sdn Bhd was founded in Pekan Nenas with provide service of assembly manufacturing for bicycle components.

  • 2000

    Obtained ISO 9001 Certificate

  • 2001

    Obtained Vendor's Awards.

  • 2005

    Setup Kwang Li Industry Group Sdn Bhd

  • 2006

    Expansion new business of providing man power service with setup Progress Management Enterprise.

  • 2013

    Expansion new business of construction service with setup Kwang Li Construction & Transportation Sdn Bhd.

  • 2016

    1. Business Partnership with front to provide Packaging Raw Parts Service to customer.
    2. Expansion sales Office in Singapore by setup Kwang Li Pte Ltd
  • 2020

    Setup Progress Management Sdn Bhd

  • 2022

    Obtained EMS ISO 14001 : 2015 Certificate.

  • 2023

    Expansion new business with provide service of assembly mobile elevating work platforms.

    Obtained Revised QMS ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificate.

  • 2024

    Obtained OHS ISO 45001 : 2018 Certificate.